To create a lasting record of the University¡¦s achievements to date, the HKUST
Anniversary Organizing Committee Publication Sub-committee has
published a
pioneering commemorative album. The third in a series of
books that chart the
University¡¦s development, HKUST ¡V Our Miracle
Continues effectively portrays
the values and vision that have seen
it rise to global
renown in just two decades.
Creative and technologically enterprising, like the University whose story it
tells, the book is the first major publication in Hong Kong to include a
markerless augmented reality introduction. It is also HKUST¡¦s first
carbon-neutral publication in line with our eco-friendly outlook.
Faculty members, senior management, students, staff. alumni and
members of the University community have all made time for
photos, video-taking, and many, many more contributions.
In doing so,
HKUST ¡V Our Miracle Continues has become a truly
endeavor and a wonderful reflection of the 1-HKUST spirit.
Happy reading (and viewing!).